
August 2024:

* Dr. Ben Rosenberg receives American Psychological Foundation John and Polly Sparks Early Career Grant

* Natalie Saragosa-Harris Accepts Role at UCLA’s  Center for the Developing Adolescent 

June 2024:

*Dr. Silvers Receives 2024 Faculty Distinguished Teaching Award

*Graduate Students Natalie Saragosa-Harris and Wesley Meredith Receive the Division of Graduate Education Dissertation Year Award

May 2024:

*RA Audrey Lai Receives Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Research and Creativity

April 2024:

*Dr. Silvers to speak at FLUX’s Navigating the Teen Mind: Insights into Adolescent Mental Health

September 2023:

*SAND Lab Newsletter: Volume 2!

May 2023:

*Dr. Adriana Mendéz Leal Successfully Defends Dissertation!

*SAND Lab RAs present at UCLA’s Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference and Undergraduate Research Week

April 2023:

*Dr. Razia Sahi Successfully Defends Dissertation!

March 2023:

*Natalie Saragosa-Harris Successfully Proposes Dissertation

December 2022:

*Maya O’Kelly Accepted into the UCLA Undergraduate Research Fellows Program

September 2022:

* SAND Lab Newsletter: Volume 1! 

August 2022:

* Audrey Lai Receives UCLA Keck Humanistic Inquiry Undergraduate Research Award 

June 2022:

* Dr. Silvers Receives Flux 2022 Young Investigator Award 

* Register for UCLA Psychology Presents: Risk and Resilience: How Stress and Adversity Shape Youth

April 2022:

* Dr. Silvers Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure

November 2021:

* Wesley Meredith Presents on Inhibitory Control for the Psychology 251 Series

* João Guassi Moreira Successfully Defends Dissertation

June 2021:

Dr. Silvers Awarded American Psychological Foundation’s John and Polly Sparks Early Career Grant

March 2021:

* Elizabeth Gaines Hired as New Lab Manager Starting Summer 2021

* Yael Waizman received an Honorable Mention from the NSF GRFP

February 2021:

* Razia Sahi’s work from the SAND Lab mentioned in an article published in the Greater Good Magazine

* The SAND Lab is hiring a new lab manager this summer (2021)

November 2020:

* Alejandra Delgado Accepted to UCLA’s Psychology Research Opportunity Program

October 2020:

* Dr. Silvers Appointed New Jeffrey/Wenzel Term Chair 

June 2020:

* Dr. Silvers received the Boyd McCandless Award

May 2020:

* SAND Lab’s Undergraduates Present Research at URW!

April 2020:

* Adriana Méndez Leal and Natalie Saragosa-Harris awarded with the T32 predoctoral fellowship 

March 2020:

* Adriana Méndez Leal awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

* Adriana Méndez Leal received an honorable mention for a Ford Foundation Fellowship

October 2019:

* João Guassi Moreira Presenting at the SfN 2019 Meeting

* Prospective graduate students for Fall 2020

September 2019:

* Yael Waizman Presenting at the SRP 2019 Annual Conference

* Claire Waller selected as an Undergraduate Research Scholar

* Adriana and João Presenting at Flux Congress 2019

August 2019:

* Dr. Silvers Recognized with NSF Early-Career Award

July 2019:

* João Guassi Moreira selected to receive a BRI/Semel Institute Graduate Travel Award

June 2019:

* Dr. Silvers selected as a 2019-2020 UCLA Hellman Fellow

May 2019:

SAND Lab’s Undergraduates Present Research at PURC!

April 2019:

Adriana Méndez Leal awarded a Graduate Research Mentorship Fellowship

Natalie Saragosa-Harris awarded a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

March 2019:

João Guassi Moreira Presenting at the SRCD 2019 Biennial Meeting

* Dr. Silvers Received an Early Career Research Contributions Award

February 2019:

Dr. Silvers Awarded a Seed Grant

João Guassi Moreira’s paper was published at Developmental Psychology

November 2018:

Dr. Silvers, Adriana, João, and Yael Presenting at the ISDP 51st Annual Meeting

September 2018:

Prospective graduate students for Fall 2019

August 2018:

João Guassi Moreira Presenting at Flux Congress

July 2018:

Dr. Silvers received the ISDP 2018 Kucharski Young Investigator Award

Adriana and João received a Travel Award to attend the 2018 ISDP meeting

June 2018:

Casandra and Julia Complete UCLA Psychology Research Opportunity Programs (PROPS)

May 2018:

Washington Post Op-Ed: Separating children from parents at the border isn’t just cruel. It’s torture.

Dr. Silvers Awarded Faculty Research Grant

April 2018:

SAND Lab Welcomes New Graduate Student Adriana Méndez Leal

January 2018:

SAND Lab Welcomes PROPS Scholars Julia Reitsma and Casandra Gomez Alvarado

December 2017:

Dr. Silvers Receives Joint UC Consortium Seed Grant with Dr. Camelia Hostinar of UC Davis

September 2017:

Dr. Silvers Awarded American Psychological Foundation Visionary Fund Grant

June 2017:

Dr. Silvers Receives Faculty Career Development Award

May 2017:

* Dr. Silvers Awarded Faculty Research Grant

João Awarded Dr. Ursula Mandel Scholarship

April 2017:

Dr. Silvers Awarded Grant from the Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology 

February 2017:

Dr. Silvers Speaks at the UCLA School of Education

January 2017:

Dr. Silvers Selected as 2016 APS ‘Rising Star’

SAND Lab Welcomes PROPS Scholar Wendy Gonzalez

September 2016:

João Receives 2016 APAGS/Psi Chi Junior Scientist Fellowship

May 2016:

João Receives 2016 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

April 2016:

The 10th Annual (and My First) Meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society