Author Archives: YAEL WAIZMAN

João Guassi Moreira Presenting at the SRCD 2019 Biennial Meeting

João Guassi Moreira presenting data on early life stress, inflammation, and brain development at the Society for Research and Child Developmental (SRCD) 2019 Biennial Meeting. SRCD was founded in 1933 to “stimulate and support research, to encourage cooperation among individuals engaged in the scientific study of child development, and to encourage applications of research findings.” Find

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Dr. Silvers Received an Early Career Research Contributions Award

Dr. Silvers was selected to receive the Early Career Research Contributions Award from the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD). This award recognizes her ability to strongly distinguish herself as a researcher and scholar, as evidenced through research, publications, and scholarly activities. More information can be found here. Congrats Dr. Silvers!

Dr. Silvers received the ISDP 2018 Kucharski Young Investigator Award

Dr. Silvers received the International Society for Developmental Psychobiology (ISDP) 2018 Kucharski Young Investigator Award, inviting her to present her work at the annual meeting. This award is given to honor the memory of David Kucharski, a promising young investigator in the field of Developmental Psychobiology. Congratulations, Dr. Silvers!  Please visit the ISDP website for more information about this

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