Contact Us

Lab Address 

A191 Franz Hall 
502 Portola Plaza
University of California – Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095


Public transportation:
The following lines stop at Hilgard / Westholme, the closest bus stop to Franz Hall, the UCLA Department of Psychology building:
Big Blue Bus lines 1, 2, 8, 17, and 18
Metro Local lines 2/302, 234, and 734

Hourly parking:
Parking Structure 2, off Hilgard Ave, is the closest to Franz Hall. Click here for more information on parking rates and locations.

The SAND Lab is most easily accessible from the westernmost Franz Hall entrance, i.e. closest to Portola Plaza. If you are coming from the Hilgard / Westholme bus stop or Parking Structure 2, this will be the entrance at the opposite end of the building. As you walk into the building and look to your left, you will see a stairway going up and next to it a door leading to a stairway going down. Go down one level, and A191 will be immediately to your right.  Call the phone number below if you have any questions!


(310) 794-4953


For general inquiries, contact us at sandlab.ucla @